Episode 4.2: Book Backmatter

When Jodi is talking about backmatter, she is talking about things at the back of the book. That’s how backmatter got its name — not too complex of a concept there. We’re talking about all of those things that follow after the text itself. Your back…

Today we’re talking about book backmatter. This is the bookend episode to last week, where we talked about book frontmatter. Just to give you the big-picture view, as we discussed last week, these are the bookends for your book. Your book is basically three sections: the frontmatter, the text itself (the body of the book), and the backmatter. The backmatter is all related to the book, whereas some of the frontmatter can be lifted out without the text/body of the book being affected. That’s not as much the case with backmatter. 

When Jodi is talking about backmatter, she is talking about things at the back of the book. That’s how backmatter got its name — not too complex of a concept there. We’re talking about all of those things that follow after the text itself. Your backmatter might include indexes, appendices, endnotes, a bibliography, additional resources for your readers. Now, your book might have some of these. Your book might not have some, or you might have a combination of these things.

Listen in to today’s episode to learn more about your book’s backmatter!

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